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over 3 years ago
Invalid Symbol error, coming up out of nowhere

im setting up the 1.ish version on a different subdomain and different mysql to see if i can reproduce the error, also doing an extra install of the original install to see if it fails without interaction

over 3 years ago
Invalid Symbol error, coming up out of nowhere

sorry to double post, but i forgot to mention it comes up whenever you try to login 😢

over 3 years ago
Invalid Symbol error, coming up out of nowhere

so this has to be a bug, i installed namelessMC 3 times already, the first two i thoght maybe i had messed up, this time i set it up to bare minimals and it does great, i shut down my laptop for a few hours to go doing groseries and voila! there it is again, i have taken some screenshots in case anybody wants to dig in

i tried many things already but i have not managed to solved, even double checked from a different computer in a whole different place and it gives the same error, odd huh?

url is

its running and all, just unable to login, this is a fresh installation, check the post time on the forum itself its like 5 hours old