Hello, so i installed namelessmc, but not in the root directory, i created a forum directory because i'm using a portal/landing page, and i was wanting to use namelessmc for the forum, but it does this, also when i try to access the ACP, i get this 404 page

and this is the 404 page it gives, i've also noticed it rewrites the URL and get's rid of the /forum/ section

also, here's the URL (
https://www.reventium.us is the homepage) and (
https://www.reventium.us/forum/) is the forum directory i created
so, i have a question, if i wish to use a differient forum solution, but i wish to keep using namelessMC for everything else, would this be possible?, if it is, how would i go about doing that?, what file should i edit, etc?
Hello, i was wondering if there were plans on viewing a "log" of user/staff user actions on a website, and the ability to restore forum posts/categories within a limited time-frame, lets say 24-48 hours, if not, then i'd like to suggest it. (i came up with this partly because of recent events on my website).
I would like to request the ability to use IFrame integration into custom pages, such as for server world maps, and other plugins that use a web interface, or any minecraft service that uses iframe such as advancedbans/banpanel
Hello, i just recently set up the infractions, i'm using AdvancedBans, and i have the information set up, with correct DB login information, however, none of the bans are appearing on the infractions page, also, i'm unsure what to put for the table prefix (it says Table Prefix (with trailing _) Could the trailing _ be explained please?, the "Table" doesn't have a " _ " it seems )but, on PHPMyAdmin, i either can't find the table prefix, or it's just set to "Punishments" which i set it to that, and many other things, but it still doesn't work.