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over 4 years ago
I need help

Hello, This is not exactly a bug but personal problem.
I've been banned on the discord servers and I did not have any other place to ban appeal.

I do realize that I used cracked template and it's not allowed to do so. But I do have some good reasons to why I did that.
When buying the premium template, my owner did not realize that he was doing payment for craftingstore which i believe advertised a premium template and eventually we end up buying craftingstore but not the premium template so then we decided to use a cracked template of the same premium template which we were planning to buy. We did not have enough money to afford template after buying craftingstore. We used cracked template just because we could not waste time on waiting to have enough money to buy the new one and once we have money we can just move on to premium template like nothing had happen to affect our work.

I do realize our mistake but since I'm web-developer for the server I'm working on, I need to get work done on time and now with no support things are not working out that well.

So this is just a request if you can unban me from discord servers, that'd be really helpful. Also we've moved over to premium template now.