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about 1 year ago
Infraction Namelessmc V2 UltraPunishments addition.

Hello i would like to request a update to infractions with UltraPunishments added.

I have studied the database structure and have a how to do written.
I tried implementing it to the infractions module but i keep getting issues and the namelessmc methods is confusing.


Here it the file i wrote.

about 1 year ago
[v2 Module Request] Infractions modules similar to Version 1



Sorry for this.
This is in reguards to me previous request

Nightmare Fox:

I have a request.
Can this module have an update for ultra punishments?
I already have a web interface for it but i would like to have that added.
Thank you.
I have replied to your wiki on the structure with the working web interface.

Ultra punishments uses the followning methods to read its data.

all colums per table is: `key` varchar(64), value `mediumblob`

php is used like this


$data = base64_decode($row['value']);

$data = json_decode($data, true);


about 1 year ago
[v2 Module Request] Infractions modules similar to Version 1

I have a request.
Can this module have an update for ultra punishments?
I already have a web interface for it but i would like to have that added.
Thank you.
I have replied to your wiki on the structure with the working web interface.

over 2 years ago
Do i need to set the server id?

i just have a small question.
The nameless plugin works and everything.
I just want to know "MUST" i set the server id to server its loaded on or can i skip it?

over 4 years ago
how do i reset /reinstall namelessmc

The title sais it all
I messed up the groups and stuff on the mysql databace