Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer is not supported. Please upgrade to a more modern browser.
1. Go to
2. Open
3. Add
'//[email protected]/css/materialdesignicons.min.css' => array()
'' => array('integrity' => 'sha512-1PKOgIY59xJ8Co8+NE6FZ+LOAZKjy+KY8iq0G4B3CyeY6wYHN3yt9PW0XpSriVlkMXe40PTKnXrLnZ9+fkDaog==', 'crossorigin' => 'anonymous')
This is how it should look like. You can also copy the code and replace it with the other one.
$template['path'] . 'css/semantic.min.css' => array(),
$template['path'] . 'css/toastr.min.css' => array(),
'//[email protected]/css/materialdesignicons.min.css' => array(),
'' => array('integrity' => 'sha512-1PKOgIY59xJ8Co8+NE6FZ+LOAZKjy+KY8iq0G4B3CyeY6wYHN3yt9PW0XpSriVlkMXe40PTKnXrLnZ9+fkDaog==', 'crossorigin' => 'anonymous')
Everything can be edited :D
Dark Mode
You can change the URL by uploading the image to your host.
Here is the .zip file in case it's to hard for you to download the image from the URL
color: #fb3131;
bold; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #020b1b;
background: url(;