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over 3 years ago
I changed VPS and my website stopped working

Now I have a little problem, when I enter a forum created by a deleted user I get a 404 error Is it possible to delete the forum somewhere?

over 3 years ago
I changed VPS and my website stopped working


Can you please run the following commands (assuming you are using Ubuntu/Debian)

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/Foro/cache
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/Foro/uploads

This will set the correct permissions for the cache and uploads directories

Thanks a lot!!

I have solved my problem! thanks for the help, happy day! ❤

over 3 years ago
I changed VPS and my website stopped working


Can you please check the error log for your web server (for example, the Apache default on Debian/Ubuntu is /var/log/apache2/error.log) to see if there's anything in there?

The errors that I get the most are:

file_put_contents(/var/www/Foro/cache/logs/other-log.log): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/Foro/core/classes/ErrorHandler.php on line 199

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught  --> Smarty: unable to write file /var/www/Foro/cache/templates_c/wrt610d98153aecd3_91613782 <-- \n  thrown in /var/www/Foro/core/includes/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_writefile.php on line 60

over 3 years ago
I changed VPS and my website stopped working



Have you imported the database from the old web host? The data in the database is required for Nameless to load. A tool such as phpMyAdmin can provide you with an easy way to export data (from the old web host) and import it (within the new VPS).


Hello good Morning!

Yes, on my previous machine I made a Backup of the database to have it put on my new machine, I have gone to the configuration file to change the password of the previous database to the new password, but when I enter the page it says that the page is not available

over 3 years ago
I changed VPS and my website stopped working

Good morning to everybody!


Today I changed my machine to a better one than the one I had previously, but now my website does not work for me, when I enter the link of my website it says "This page does not work", I have changed the database to a new one created in my new machine. Is there a way to get my website to work on my new machine?