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over 9 years ago
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over 8 years ago
Did header/footer formats change?

I'll give that a shot :P I'm pretty sure I stole that chunk of code directly from some other file in the nameless system.


Update: That fixed the footer, and strangely enough changing that footer code fixed the navbar too cheeky

over 8 years ago
Did header/footer formats change?

I've had a couple of custom pages on my site for a while now, and I had added the header and footer sections of code so that they look like they belong on the site more. (I set these pages up by using the format you gave me directly in the php file, not by using the "custom page" feature in nameless)


I had accomplished this custom footer by adding 

    <?php>	// Footer	require('core/includes/template/footer.php');	$smarty->display('styles/templates/' . $template . '/footer.tpl');		// Scripts 	require('core/includes/template/scripts.php');	?>

to the bottom of the page, and it used to work. Now it just shows me this at the bottom of the page:

Also, I used to have a functional header where the drop down would work and everything, but now it only shows the header and the more complicated features don't work. I can still click a link and go to a page (like forum) but clicking on my name to see the drop down for profile and all that does nothing. This probably isn't an issue you regularly run into but I would love it could be figured out :P Let me know if you want to see more sections of the code I used for a bigger picture of what's going on



over 8 years ago
Emails not sending

Confirmation emails/password change emails aren't sending. Is this a config issue on my end? How can I fix this? All email settings (the php mail function, enable account verification, emails typed into both text boxes) are correctly filled in as far as I know.

over 9 years ago
Hidden forum topics

Is there a way to make it so all groups can see a forum section, and can post in it/see their own post, but they can't see other people's posts? For example a support forum section where people can post their issues and other players wont see them. I've been playing with the forum settings and couldn't quite figure it out. 



over 9 years ago

I know that a ticket system is in the planned update section, but I was wondering if theres an eta on this. Weeks, months, etc. I need to know if I need to try out 3rd party ticket systems or if I should just wait till Nameless is ready for that. 
