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over 3 years ago
Version 2.0.0 Pre-Release 12

I'm still getting the problem where groups aren't synced up with the website correctly. Im using the latest version of everything. I've configured the plugin correctly. The big thing is the uuid isn't automatically updating for the user.

over 3 years ago
Issues with Favion, and StaffCP

I’m still having issues with the link not working for the staffcp panel. It goes to the root directory link instead inputting my sub folder (nameless) into the link for the staffcp. 

over 3 years ago
Issues with Favion, and StaffCP

With the newest pre-release 12, I set the favicon for the website but it only changed the control panel favicon not the main website. Also when I re-log into the website and click on the staffcp and login there I get the 404 because it didn't put in the sub category in. 

It's supposed to go to this link because I put the files in a folder called nameless and configured it in the settings to go to nameless

but it does this link instead