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10 months ago
404 with custom url


Das ganze muss wie folgt aussehen überprüfe nochmal deine eingaben ab und zu schleicht sich bei jedem mal ein Fehler ein hier die hoffentlich passende Lösung für dein problem.

so... i cant seem to find what you mean :/ where do i find this? and how do i make all my default pages work? i tried making a custom page and going to the exact url ( but i still got a 404.... if you could possible reply in english that would be greatly appreciated since im TERRIBLE at german. if not its ok :)


10 months ago
404 with custom url

I added my own url to my site, but it doesnt work. I get a 404 from nameless meaning that dns isnt the problem. Cant find anything online so im asking here :/ what did i do wrong and how can i fix it? you can check it out yourself if you want.