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over 3 years ago
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over 3 years ago
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over 3 years ago
Put "slash" on the title, the topic will just disappear.

Put "/" on the title anywhere the topic will just disappear.

Just like the title said.
And can't delete or edit it.
(Duo to the mod system is only on the topic's page.)

over 3 years ago
Some template bugs and display problem

Found another display bug.
When clicking "<" on the Admin panel, can't scroll down to click other menus.

* btw, can't click the sub-menu in mobile mode either.

   ( cut off )

over 3 years ago
Some template bugs and display problem

Using Version 2.0.0 Pre-Release 12

1. Page list bug

On PC - Normal

On Mobile - Cut off

2. When the topic title is too long, will cut off on PC & Mobile.

3. Topic title info is not in the correct position (In forum).

4. If delete any language's folder or update it in the admin panel, it'll still be on the user's profile settings.

Admin panel:

User's profile settings:

5. Some input in Dark Mode was way too dark to see (Login input etc.).

*and some are way too bright...

6. Mobile text area was way too small to type. (I saw this in here was fixed! Thant's nice.)

And Here's my small opinion on the Default template:

I think the user's info part on mobile was way too big.
When the user only types one line post, it still needs to show a *HUGE* box just for it.

Maybe something like this would be great (Just a photoshop sample).


Once again, thank you so much for this awesome Minecraft forum system,
Look forward to some update soon! : )