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hello, I have been trying to make the site work for 4 days now, but at every step there is a new problem, now I have PHP 7.4 installed but it tells me the same that it is still to be installed, and honestly not I know more what to do, could you give me a hand? The site is on a VPS and the os is centos
I am trying all possible sites but nothing always with version 7.2 I end up, even specifying version 7.4 and installing it does not change
This suggests that the web server is using a different version of PHP than the command line. You need to tell the web server which PHP version to use.
Which web server are you using - apache or nginx?
i resolve, now it gives me this error
Your installation is missing the 'vendor' or 'core/assets/vendor' directory. These directories are included in releases, but not in the git repository. For regular installations, please make sure to download a release from the GitHub releases page, not from the button on the home page to download the latest source code. If you do want to run the latest version from source control for development versions, please run 'composer install' and 'yarnpkg'/'yarn install'.
if I go to nomeserver/install.php it tells me 404 error
I know in the faqs it says how to fix it, but I didn't understand much about it because it doesn't say where the code should be put, what should be changed and how it should be changed, could someone help me out?
Please download the "nameless-deps-dist" file from which includes all the dependencies already.
Your website directory or a subdirectory is not writable. Please ensure all files and directories are owned by the correct user.
Example command to change owner recursively: sudo chown -R www-data: /usr/share/nginx/html
okay, I think this is the last mistake, because I think I passed all of them ahahah
could I know the support times? because if I understand correctly they are from 8pm to 8pm
We don't have support times - people offer help for free when they get a free moment to spare. It's completely free software, we don't make any money from this at all, so we are all volunteers.
Regarding the error, this depends on your host - are you using a web host or a VPS/dedicated server?