First of all what a awesome projoct you guys are working on!
But as you problably already have seen I have some requests that I think would be making it even better.
This is the list:
- See all bans/kicks/mute even from not registered people.
- Creating your own CP's so you can turn thing off or turn some things on for some groups. This can be usefull when I want to let Admins create broadcasts but not let them change the template.
- A feature to use custom pictures for ranks. (gif,png,jpg)
- A overview. So like admins can see what mods have done but not the other way. This can be selected with groups can see other groups ((forum) Ban, kick, (forum) mute, change a thread, close a thread, and so on.)
- A ticket system so staff members can create a ticket when someone has to be watched for a periode of time.
- A shoutbox only for staff members. (something like slack)
- Email notification when recieving a message or the user got a warning/ban.
- After a user got banned they only get to go to a selected page. (by default a Appeal page)
- When a user got banned from the site they get a special rank. (Banned)
- Make multiple staff applications. (Helper, Mod, Admin)
- Change questions from position in staff applications.
- Support for PowerFulPerms
I also found a little bug:
- After adding a youtube video to a thread you can't edit anymore. Like turn off autoplay.