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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
List of Requests

Here is a list of requests, some of these requests might have been requested before. But I'm making this thread so that it's easy for the developers to see what they can add because most requests are in this thread.

+ Easier way of Changing color to group banners and adding.
+ Adding custom-message above Staff Applications (here) just like in voting (here) and you can choose between it being centered or not.
+ Possibility to move Infractions, Play, Donate and Members to the dropdown menu.
+ More dropdown menu's with different names.
+ Easier way to add favicon.
+ Online staff-members on the sidebar  in the Forum.
+ Possibility to move Staff-Application questions up/or down on the list when making them. (Different orders).
+ Permissions for different Labels.
+ Navbar Redirections. (Pages that goes to others links). 
+ People have to verify their Minecraft account, they'll have to enter their minecraft account details to register. The reason for this is because, people can pretend to be anyone on the website when they register.
+ Being able to rename the pages in the navbar.
+ Possibility for the people who apply to see their own application comments. This can be disabled/enabled in AdminCP.
+ Email notifications. When ever you get a notification on the website, you get an email as well.
+ Possible to IP-ban, this also prevent people who are ip-banned from registering on the forums.
+ Possible to add modules in the sidebar on the homepage, e.g calender, countdown timer.
+ Rank supports vault and are synced with in-game.
+ Increase the time for "Invalid token".
+ Website background.
+ Permissions for Custom Pages, so that certain ranks can access.
+ Support the Stats plugin on Bukkit/Spigot. (Here)
+ Recent Voters on the vote page.
+ Skins overlay/second layer support.
* Fix the Twitter ID's because twitter no longer uses ID's.

over 8 years ago
Custom Page Tabs

It is called redirection, I hope that this feature will be added as well.

over 8 years ago
When is the next version coming?

What will be new in the new update? Will it be supporting the Stats plugin? 

over 8 years ago
When is the next version coming?

When is the next version coming, 1.11 ?

over 8 years ago
When is 2.0 coming?

Should get another dev in the team.