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over 8 years ago
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over 8 years ago
A little suggestion

Hey! Thank you very much guys for helping me create a website (;! Now this is a suggestion that NamelessMC should make this will make the other pages owners more competitive.

Now: I wanted to tell u guys that you should do a challenged called who did it better like monthly? And that means that who did the website better I have a cool website great design and still learning <3 

Who wins should get: A free domain for the server xD I know this is stupid but I'm broke :|

over 8 years ago
[Tutorial] News tweet button on your main page

ty very much <3

over 8 years ago

@Howdyfam u have a website on NamelessHosting and want to change your current subdomain to a domain? Then u need to ask me

I want a domain but I want to change it like I want to change my domain 

over 8 years ago

Oh not the website I mean domain domain is like xD

over 8 years ago

I'm not sure if i understand your question right.
You asking about how to change website name like in navbar and elsewhere, or you are asking for how to change your domain after you buy one ?

With that I mean like how can I change domain for example my name is Test123412(it's not) but it's let's say that and I want to change namelessmcwebsite(examplev2) where can I do that and how can I change this? AND this I change name for the server and I wanna change domain and those stuff have a great day!