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over 5 years ago
Add minecraft username in-game only.


Hey all,
I've encountered multiple cases where someone has set their minecraft username as someone else's on the forums. My suggestion is that you add an option that makes it so people can only add their minecraft username in-game.

I found a lot of people found this confusing when I first said it so heres it in short:  I'd like it so users can register on the site and in-game but they have to set minecraft username in game (and not on the site)

This can be done by either enabling AuthMe (which requires people to login their account so it gets verified) or using Nameless plugin.

over 5 years ago
Application integration with forums


There should be a choice to add questions to the forums module. This would make most forums look a lot cleaner as well as easier to use. Currently all the forms modules are crap in my opinion. This would be a very helpful step.

Currently NamelessMC provides this by creating a copy-paste template to somewhere, which users would then use to make an application as a forum thread.

That would mean the forum permissions will be set so the regular users can't see others' topics, but is allowed for staff members.

Otherwise there's no possibility.

Partydragen could extend the module to integrate with forums like this.

over 6 years ago
Help with registration

Update UUID did not help I had to write / uuid ZiklCZ here and manually change it I have my server in offline mode so it gave me some bad uuid

Hello! As stated in the previous post, in order to do this, your server have to be in online-mode. Otherwise it won't work.

Best Regards,

over 6 years ago
[Tutorial] Online Staff Members Module V2

Nice. Is it updated to the last commit? 

Hello. In pre-release 4 there is added Online Staff members widget, which you are able to enable. It works great on here as well. ;)

over 7 years ago

Hello @FlatoutDude.

You can disable the forum module in general, but add a custom page as a redirect link to the new forum software. However, keep in mind these two won't most likely synchronize due to the cookie sessions, though there might be several workarounds. I don't think I am that wrong if I assume Samerton would have a "perfect" solution for synchronizing the announcements and logins with the different software.

I won't personally recommend to use other forum software with different CMS, I'd rather build my own around the other software.