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over 4 years ago
Version 2.0.0 Pre-Release 8

My widgets are not displayed on all pages except the home page.

over 4 years ago
100$ via Paypal to make my website working

It is not clear what exactly does not work for you.  API or URL? Describe your problem in more detail, and yes, I wrote to you in your private messages, you do not answer

over 4 years ago
Way to reset passwords via file

But there you can change your email, maybe it will work

over 4 years ago
Way to reset passwords via file

This is not a file. And the table is in the database and you are unlikely to be able to change the password there, since it is encrypted there

over 4 years ago
Creating a query to the database

Подскажите, как можно одним запросом к базе данных добавить несколько полей данных в таблицу?