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over 8 years ago
Emails Setup

Could I disable the email part then since it does not do anything?
Samerton said:

Incoming email is the address that will be shown to users, although this isn't actually used anywhere yet. Basically, in the future, if there is a contact us page the incoming email will be shown on there.

Outgoing email is the email address emails from your website are sent from, although if you're using the SMTP/Gmail address defined in core/config.php, this won't do anything.

over 8 years ago
Emails Setup

What is the outgoing and incoming emails? Like what do they do?
Samerton said:

This depends on if you're using SMTP for your emails or Gmail. You can find information about setting up SMTP here, and Gmail here.

over 8 years ago
Emails Setup

How do I setup the email settings? Also what does each setting do and mean? @Samerton

over 8 years ago
Add ons?

What plugins does infractions use?
Samerton said:

The only addons available at the moment are included in Nameless already, you can view them by going to the AdminCP -> Addons page. If none appear, click "Install Addon" in the top right and then click "Scan", and they will appear.

over 8 years ago
Hiding Post in a Forum

When will 1.1 be released?
Samerton said:

Hopefully, private forums where users can only view their own posts will be included in the upcoming version 1.1.