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Viewing resource Wiki

[1.3.2] Create a Wiki Library on your NamelessMC website.

Allows you to create a Wiki Library on your NamelessMC website.




WIKI 1.0.9

1.0.9 update

WIKI 1.0.8



  • Collaboration that allows you to assign a contributor group who can edit, create and remove pages.
  • Log system that track every single changes over your Wiki.
  • Grant or deny view permission to certain pages by specific group permission.
  • A functional backup and load data system.


  • Cobalt
  • Skyfall
  • Nexus
  • Futurium
  • Default
  • DefaultRevamp


  • EnglishUS
  • EnglishUK
  • Russian
  • German
  • Slovak
  • Hebrew
  • Czech
  • French
  • Romanian



Terms And Conditions


By purchasing any product/service from reflexLabs,

you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

If you do not agree to abide by the above, please do not use this service.


Do not resell or share this resource with anyone.

You can't charge back or get a refund for a completed transaction, unless the author decided so.

If you find any bug/issue/error, contact us in discord before you leave a rating on this resource.

reflexLabs can refuses provide an support due to any reason.

The foregoing may change from time to time as necessary.




  • Unzip the
  • Drag the upload folder's content into the main NamelessMC directory.
  • Go to StaffCP->Modules and hit the Install button,
  • Scroll a little bit down and make sure you enable the Wiki module.


Contributors: ReflexShow
Purchase for 14.00 USD Other Releases


Total Downloads
First Release
16 Jan 2021
Last Release
15 Nov 2023
NamelessMC v2 Modules

Version 1.3.2

15 Nov 2023, 21:23


Very fast and very good support :) Thanks!

| 1.3.2 | 8 months ago Kadnick Kadnick

Awesome and fast support and the module is very great!

| 1.2.5 | over 2 years ago PanetiX PanetiX

I am happy that I got this module. It's pretty good.

I do have requests though, if at all possible...
1. already asked, is the ability to set permissions on pages to certain groups
2. the ability to change the order of the pages so if I add something later, I can move it to the top

| 1.2.3 | over 2 years ago AutismFather AutismFather

Very good!

| 1.2.3 | over 2 years ago TheoToke TheoToke

Very good resource, and perfect support 

| 1.2.3 | over 2 years ago BrayaanPS BrayaanPS

Amazing module, definitely worth the price! Awesome support in the discord, very good patience for anyone who doesn't understand what they are doing, quick responses!

| 1.2.2 | over 2 years ago BabblyY BabblyY

The extension is really good. But one thing please, I would like to make certain pages visible and accessible only to certain groups. Everything else is just great. Sorry for my bad english.

| 1.1.0 | over 2 years ago CodingPlays CodingPlays

Love it! Fast support

| 1.1.0 | over 2 years ago DandyLP DandyLP

Update to Version 2.0.0 Pre-Release 10 


| 1.0.7 | over 3 years ago prosirius12 prosirius12

Why I'm having this error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template ??- discord support is dead


| 1.0.7 | over 3 years ago Kubson69 Kubson69