As you may notice, the NamelessMC template "Silkystick" has been acquired by Ravenstone Resources, I hope to bring all types of updates, optimization, and growth of features.
It may take some time as I must read over everything and learn some as I go forward.
Support by the previous maker/owner along with myself and others will of course still be in effect. If you haven't already joined the new discord server, all you have to do is click "Support".
A demo of the theme and any other themes and or resources will be available shortly after we figure out some things.
Rebranding of the template has been put into place, any and all previous customers should consider downloading the new version provided in the next couple of days and replacing the old template with the new one.
- Otherwise, you may DM me on Discord and or go to our Discord server for help in changing things without redownloading and potentially changing everything that has already been made and or put into place.