Aether Template - A premium NamelessMC template by Coldfire
Aether is a premium NamelessMC template with a sleek design, extremely configurable style, and many features that improve your website.
Note: Aether only supports NamelessMC v2-pre9! It will NOT be updated to pre-10 or future releases!

- The cheapest premium template on the market (ONLY $4.98 USD!)
- Fully mobile responsive
- 100% customizable theme colors (supports any hex or RGB code)
- Supports all popular modules
- Less CSS files for lower resource usage
- High quality support
- Clear, easy to use, and good looking StaffCP page
- Everything configurable via a module in the StaffCP
- Custom, highly configurable portal page design
- Utilizes Font Awesome 5 for icons
- Built with Bootstrap
- Supports Google Analytics
- You can add favicon, logo, and header background images
- Toggleable color overlay on the header background image
- Server and Discord status/users online boxes that can be disabled on mobile
- Toggleable carousel with up to 5 slides on the home page
- Ability to change slider description and title text color
- Customizable background-color
- Multiple fonts
- Ability to configure logo height on mobile and other platforms
- Ability to configure logo margin from top on mobile and other platforms
- Alerts with custom title and message
- Announcements with custom title and message
- Re-designed forum post spoilers (like Hypixel's)
- Sticky navbar on large screens, not sticky on mobile
- Tested on 50+ devices using Lamdatest!

- Forums
- Vote
- Forms
- Members
- Friends
- Infractions
- Buycraft / Tebex
- Resources
- Staff
- Voting Plugin Integration
- ParticlesJS
- Rules
- ChatBox
- Crafting Store
- Iframe
- Suggestions
- Tickets
- Wiki

- EnglishUS
- EnglishUK
- Czech
- German
- Italian
- Spanish

No longer available.

Home Page:

Portal Page:

StaffCP Page:

- Make sure you have NamelessMC v2! NamelessMC v1 will NOT work!
- Unzip the file and upload the contents of the "upload" file straight into your main NamelessMC installation directory (where the folders core, custom, modules, uploads, and cache are)
- Head over to StaffCP -> Modules on your website, click the "Install" button
- Enable the "Aether" module
- Head over to StaffCP -> Templates, click the "Install" button
- Enable the "Aether" template by clicking the "Activate" button, and make it default by clicking the "Make Default" button
- You're done! Configure the template at StaffCP -> Aether

If you liked Aether please leave a 5-star review!