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I know GA is currently supported, but it would be awesome if I could use Piwik.
I have attempted to add the code to various parts of the site, and it seems to displays, but no data is collected. I tested the tracking code on another page not running Nameless and it works just fine.
I'll definitely look into this for you, supporting a wider range of analytic tools is something I'm hoping to do in the near future.
That would be awesome. If I find a way to do it I will share my success, I just don't have a huge amount of time at the moment.
One thing that might help you, is that Piwik's code is very similar to GA. If I was able to paste the code including
If the script needs pasting into the head tag, try adding ?> to the end of core/includes/template/header.php, followed by the Piwik Javascript code.
Thanks for the suggestion this works perfectly.
However this did not work at first. I have Piwik installed on another domain and was using a website account under that installation.
When I installed Piwik on a subdomain on the same doamin as Nameless (and updated the tracking code) it works perfectly. Im sure it could be configured to work across domains. However since i was going to install it on the same domain at some stage anyway, I had no need to try to get it to work.
Thanks for the help