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Hello Samerton,
After updating my Debian system (apt get update && apt get upgrade), something happened to my website. It no longer loads, and I get the following error message: " Sorry! Sorry, but something went wrong while loading the page. Please contact an administrator. "
When I check the following file: /var/www/.../cache/logs/fatal-log.log I see the following message: [2024-07-31, 22:53:58] /var/www/.../core/classes/Minecraft/MCQuery.php(385): Cannot access offset of type string on string
What can I do to get it running again? According to the index.php file, I am using version 2.0.0-pr13.
Do I need to perform an upgrade? If so, where can I find instructions on how to do an upgrade?
Best regards, Firaman3D (Thank you for your great work!)
Version 2.0.0 pre-release 13 is very old and you should seriously consider upgrading to fix some potential security issues. Upgrades are available through the staff control panel's Update tab.
The issue that you are experiencing is still an issue in the latest version of Nameless, as it appears that a recent update to Minecraft server software (presumably Paper or similar) has changed how the query works. There is a fix available in this commit: which can be applied to the code in your screenshot, on line 376, if you are comfortable with doing this.