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over 7 years ago
Unable to change Nickname on site.


I'm attempting to change my nickname on this website to "Morphtato" (to match my MC and Discord name). When I go to do this in the UserCP and click "Submit", it refreshes and says "Settings updated successfully". However, the nickname doesn't actually change. Wasn't sure if this was the correct place to report this, but I wanted to make you guys aware of this.


over 7 years ago
[Solution] SQL Connection Error Shared Hosting

Sweet, was going to re-post here anyways. Thanks @Samerton

over 7 years ago
[Solution] SQL Connection Error Shared Hosting

From, thanks to @Sandtato

Type: Issue Fix

Issue Desc.: SQL Connection Error, Shared Hosting.

Description: Recently, my entire server network, including website, went offline due to a CloudFlare issue. Working with my web hoster's support team, we found this fix, which I think may be helpful to others on Shared Hosting, or even on their own web server. The fix involves a different SQL link, which usually can be requested from your Web Hoster's support team if necessary. The new link or IP they may give you will usually be routed directly to the SQL server, and not through CloudFlare or other proxies.

The fix is as follows:

  1. Go to your FTP, and access [websiteinstallationdirectory]/core/
  2. Open config.php, and find the MySQL host.
  3. Replace your current link the with new one, which you should have received from your web host support team.
  4. Save and re-upload the config, if necessary.

It may take a moment, but your website should come back online. This fix helped me bring my site much faster than waiting for the CloudFlare fix to sync over. I think this will help many others as well, therefore I posted this.