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Issue with your template NightLife installing v2 template can u please add me HorrorStarGames#3085
Hay how do i make the logo bigger?
I'm having trouble using your NightLife template. Could you add me on discord HittmanA#1394 ?
Hi bro! what happend to discord group :,c ? im Elmejorgamerokno#0001
I have removed your toxic posts from this feed wall. This is my last warning to you to stop posting false information about users and spreading negative vibes whenever you have the chance. I will not tolerate this anymore. Consider this a final warning.
Can you please accept my discord friend request? Thanks, Vane.


over 8 years ago
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over 4 years ago
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over 4 years ago
blur background header?


I would like to put a blur in the background that I have placed in the header of my page. They told me that it can be done from the page itself but I do not know how to do it.

filter: blur(5px); add this to the styling of your header image?

over 4 years ago
Custom page redirect without a new tab opening?

What template are you using? Custom pages don't open a new tab on the default and default revamped templates if im aware

over 4 years ago
[v2] PermissionEx Module


Is the development still going on?

It is... I actually have a working prototype on my local machine but at the same time i dont want to upload it and run the risk of it being deleted, unsure about the reliablity of data on here innit.

over 4 years ago
User Report

I've never met anyone so salty in my life, i was banned on Discord by a very ambitous CPK ( 2 years ago :) ) .

How does an out of context conversation over discord bare any relevance to the production of namelessmc?

I suggest instead of living in my head rent free you do something useful and commit some code to namelessmc, help my local brethren samerton out.

P.s: Why are you so angry anyone? What i said wasn't toxic, nor was it hostile? The author of mooz is on the speturm, it's a shame, it's not his fault? Im not making fun of it, i was stating the fact that because he is on the spectrum, change is scary to him and he might no like supporting a module not made by him. I was simply trying to help you understand your friend better, maybe you should do the same my dude.


over 4 years ago
Getting registered user

What would be the best way to get the registered user and the data from the registration for a module?

I mean i could just call a function from the register.php file but dont exactly want to be editing core files like register.php, is there an easy way you could suggest in doing this from my module?
