A professional for NamelessMC! 80+ options, dark and light mode, theme switcher, and more!

- Modern, unique design that is fully mobile responsive
- Dark and light mode with custom theme switcher widget so users can choose whatever mode they like best
- 80+ configuration options to allow you to customize your website exactly how you want
- 100% customizable theme colors
- Custom, highly configurable, and great looking portal page design
- Completely redesigned login, register, and error pages
- Three different navbar styles: double, bottom, and top
- Carousel with up to 5 slides on home page (can be disabled)
- Welcome box to welcome users to your website (can be disabled)
- Easy updater to make updating Skyfall effortless

- Supports ALL popular modules
- Supports English, Spanish, German, Polish, Italian, and Czech languages
- Optimized loading with settings to help your site load faster
- High-quality support
- Clear, easy to use, and good looking StaffCP
- Custom mobile nav menu
- Update checker
- Ability to change header background image height
- Discord and server status texts
- Back to top button
- Favicon support
- Redesigned forum post quotes and spoilers
- Read older news posts button
- Clean, formatted code
- Built with Bootstrap

- Forum
- Vote
- Members
- Forms
- Staff
- Friends
- Voting Plugin
- Infractions
- Buycraft/Tebex
- Resources
- Rules
- ChatBox
- Crafting Store
- Iframe
- Gallery
- Tickets
- Suggestions
- Wiki
- Badges
- Polls
- MC Trade
- MC Statistics
- Countdown

No longer available.

Dark Mode:

Light Mode:

StaffCP Page:

Portal Page:

404 Page:

Login Page:

Register Page:

Different Colors and Logos:

Note: Make sure you have NamelessMC version v2! NamelessMC v1 will NOT work!
- Unzip the file and upload the contents of the "upload" file straight into your main NamelessMC installation directory (where the folders core, custom, modules, uploads, cache are)
- Head over to StaffCP -> Templates, click the "Install" button
- Enable the "Skyfall" template by clicking the "Activate" button, and make it default by clicking the "Make Default" button
You're done! Configure the template at StaffCP -> Layout -> Templates -> Skyfall -> Settings

If you liked Skyfall please leave a 5-star review!