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Wiki Pro Module

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[1.2.2] Setup a collaborative Wiki with permissions, logs & more!

Wiki Pro Module 6 months ago

Changelog v1.2.2:
Small changes to make new installations easier:
- Changed all the default wiki pages after installation
- Updated multiple admin strings to make panel configuration easier
- Updated some outdated links

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed special characters not being shown correctly on some panel pages
- Fixed creating a new page not having all groups visibility checked by default
- Removed a pesky todo note from appearing on the logs page
- Added padding between move page up and down buttons in panel

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module 11 months ago

Changelog v1.2.1:
- Updated the module to support NamelessMC v2.1.0

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.2.0:
- Added source code option to the editor in front end.
- Added a new setting to control after how many pixels the wiki page side menu becomes scrollable.
- Added a new setting for each page to make it hidden from the side menu and from search results. It will then only be accessible by using its URL - still only to users with view permission.
- Special characters are now shown properly in the search results list rather than being html encoded.
- Removed DefaultRevamp toast. There is now just a tooltip for copying the page link.
- When opening / closing a dropdown with DefaultRevamp, a horizontal scroll bar is no longer briefly visible.
- Lithium will now have all submenus collapsed by default when loading the page. Also simplified the toast text.
- Massive improvements to Lithium active page displays. Only the current active page / its parent will be marked as active. Additionally, when using a direct page link, that page will be marked as active and, if a subpage, its dropdown opened and activated.
- Fixed conflicting variable names breaking Lithium JavaScript (Fixes alerts/messages, hover over editor name and makes smoother dropdown animations).
- This update breaks Nexus and Futurium template compatibility.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.1.4:
- Added API endpoints to allow external access to wiki data by the Wiki Pro Minecraft plugin.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.1.3:
- Added a search bar that searches through all page names and content, and counts all found occurrences whilst respecting page permissions. It completes results as you type, and I managed to (eventually) integrate this within both Cobalt and Lithium theme. Yay!
- Made view counter box match dark theme better for Default Revamp.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.1.2:
- Added page view counters for each page. You can toggle this on and off in the settings as desired.
- Improved the look of toasts for Lithium theme.
- When a user enters an invalid Wiki page URL, an error banner will now be displayed.
- Fixed log page javascript not loading for some websites due to their domain having a config path set.
- Updated the default created Wiki pages - when the module is installed - to reflect the latest updates.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.1.1:
- Added 3 new settings to the panel: You can toggle the sticky side menu in the Wiki, you can toggle whether page names should be automatically displayed at the top of each page, and you can now edit the text that is displayed in the navigation bar to be whatever you want.
- For Cobalt, the copy link button is now "Link" instead of "Copy Page Link" and admins will now be able to view update notifications.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.1.0:
- Separated the settings page out into two separate pages: a settings and pages page.
- Rewrote the two pages. This is to make it so that now your inputted settings are no longer cleared and lost if you make an error, e.g. not starting a URL with a /. Now, only an error message is displayed but all your fields are kept. This is much better and prevents you from losing any inputted information.
- When creating a new Wiki page, by default all groups will have view access checked for you.
- When editing a page and submitting via the panel, the success message will be displayed but you will no longer be kicked back to the overview page.
- Fix for when the first Wiki page is a parent, no page is initially displayed. The first subpage from that category will now be displayed on page load.
- Fixed the copy URL button to work for domains with paths and unfriendly URLs.
- Fix for deleted users in Wiki logs.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.0.9:
This update is a big Cobalt template support update!
- Complete redesign of the side Wiki side page menu.
- The left side Wiki page menu is now sticky. You can also have as many left and right widgets as you would like which will all be sticky. There are no page scrolling issues.
- New popup toasts when clicking the copy page link button.
- New last edited message - it is now displayed at the top, just below the page title.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.0.8:
- Fix not being able to change the wiki page nav location, icon or order.
- Fixed the 'New update available' download icon to link to the new changelog.
- Cobalt last editor profile pictures are now set to a maximum of 64px to prevent them overflowing.
- Updated support for non-friendly urls.
- Added a js file for template devs.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.


Wiki Pro Module about 1 year ago

Changelog v1.0.7:
- Wiki Pro Module is now migrating to BuiltByBit (MC-Market).
- Fix for the wiki opening without any page active on some templates due to the first page not having an id of 1.
- Updated template support for Cobalt and Lithium. For issues that I came across and tried to fix!

Cobalt changes:
- When someone uses a page URL it opens the wiki with the correct page active.
- Made the edit button the same colour as copy link button and the last edited message a bit less dark.

Lithium changes:
- Added widget support for left and right side widgets.
- Added the copy link button to the pages.
- Made the no page available message show if a user can't view any pages.
- Made the wiki menu page list become scrollable when it reaches a certain number of pages.
- Added the sticky side bar feature so that the wiki page menu follows you down the page. This supports widgets as well.
- Clicking on subpages no longer renders them unclickable again until page refresh.
- When you use a URL to go straight to a wiki page, the home page will no longer be displayed or marked as active as well.
- When you hover over the last edited time it now shows the tooltip date.

To update simply drag and drop in the new files, overwriting the old ones.



Total Downloads
First Release
04 Jul 2022
Last Release
24 Oct 2023
NamelessMC v2 Modules

Version 1.2.2

24 Oct 2023, 20:45