Hello Nameless Community,
Link to Version 1 Format: https://namelessmc.com/forum/topic/439-tutorial-online-staff-members-module/
I recently created a Module for Nameless version 1 which shows all online staff members. A lot of people requested that I make a Version for Nameless 2. This one was created with the pre version 3.0.
Step 1:
Navigate to /modules/Forum/pages/forum/index
and /modules/Forum/pages/forum/view_forum
Add the following code to the document:
Save both documents
Step 2:
Navigate to your template folder that you are user (/custom/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/forum)
Open the following documents: forum_index.tpl, view_forum.tpl, view_forum_no_discussions.tpl
place this line 78 (replace old code mattching code)
Add the same code on line 130
Add the same code on line 71
I hope you understand the tutorial and that it helps you with your website!