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Started by trashcanolives



23 May 2020
Last Seen
20 Jul 2020

Read the full post here:

I see and as the perfect minecraft server websites.

Nameless has most of the features of these websites, but lacks some things. I'm just making these suggestions, so hopefully the staff team can incorporate them into v2 or v3.

I do understand that there are features that do these things, such as forms. However, these are rough solutions.
For example, a tickets/ban appeal module would be much appreciated instead of using forms for tickets. I do understand that it is more work for the devs. I have read many others who agree with some of the following suggestions, and hopefully they will be seen on the full release of v2 or v3.

Essentially, most of my suggestions are that nameless becomes more like velt's or lunar's website, which are for established servers, whose websites have stood the test of time.
(example tickets system)
(example tickets/ban appeal module)

Thank you for your time.
Hopefully these features will be incorporated into v2 or v3.

trashcanolives · over 4 years ago


16 Feb 2019
Last Seen
22 Apr 2024

Hey there! 😀

I like some of the things you've mentions and would too like to see them added in the future. However, some things you can get by with by using templates/modules.

Here's what I mean:

  • UI changes
    • You could take a look at some of the custom templates in the "Resources" tab of the site, or get a custom template designed to your liking.
  • Ticket/Support Page
    • You can make tickets and support forms using the Forms Module found here!
  • Ban Appeals
    • You could either use the Forms Module from above, or use the Infractions Module here!
      • I do not actually know if you can unban players using the Infractions Module, as I have no used it before.
  • Forums/Drag Support
    • I'm not sure what you mean here.
  • Add Console in the StaffCP
    • I would love to see this feature, but I don't really see an easy way of doing this.
  • Better Staff Pages (Example)
    • I've seen some templates that have Staff Pages similar to those, so just look around until you find one you like.
  • Forums Upvote
    • I think this would be cool, however it takes a different approach to "Forums". Mixed opinion for me.
      • I mean "different approach" by ranking replies by upvotes, rather than date of replies. It's a different system.
  • Better Profile Page w/ Stats
    • You might be able to do something like this using the NamelessMC Plugin (found here!), but I am not entirely sure, as I have never used the plugin.
  • Leaderboards
    • I know that TechniTheme has a custom leaderboards module for this, but it only works for select plugins. (and it's also slightly outdated.)
  • Dynmap Integration
    • It would be a cool module request!

I hope I helped you a bit on being able to utilize "solutions" to these problems for the time being.

  - Spqrrow

<p style="text-align: center;">gaming.</p>
devante · over 4 years ago